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Things to do in El Paso in the Fall (Part Two) - Cantera Apartments Blog

Things to do in El Paso in the Fall (Part Two)

  |     |   Things to do

At Cantera apartments in El Paso, we have been out and about enjoying all the festivities that make living in our community such a great place to live.  As the fall season kicks-in, there are more events than ever before to enjoy with family and friends. 
Below you will find a continuation of what’s to come!

2022 EL PASO SPACE FESTIVAL – Space and Lunar Extravaganza
September 17 – 24, 2022

Ever wonder if there is a possibility that humans could actually live a full life on the moon?  Now is your opportunity to learn if that is actually feasible as the folks of the El Paso Space Festival take that theme to the limits.  

Each year the festival celebrates the innovations in space technology and focus on a different aspect each year.  In addition to their annual presentations, they promise a variety of “firsthand, highly interactive and stimulation experiences” that take a deep dive into “life on the moon.”

Highlights from the event’s website include:

•    The progress of NASA’s Artemis mission and other space companies plans to return humans to the moon
•    The role of mixed media art that celebrates stories of imagined futures of space exploration, and new
     advances in astronomy sciences.
•    How will we regularly transport people to the moon, and what will we do while there? 
•    Where will we live? How long will we be there? 

 Who will get to go, and why? Get your tickets now!


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