Out with the old, in with the new! Every new year brings plenty of time to set ‘resolutions’ to live a happy and healthier life in our great state of Texas. And thanks to the endless lists of suggested resolutions that you can find online, you don’t need to go anywhere else but right here to make your own resolutions for 2023.
Over this past week, we searched the worldwide web for the most popular and achievable new year’s resolutions that are easy to keep throughout the year.
Thanks to Parade.com, Goodhousekeeping.com, and CollegeLifeMadeEasy.com we have compiled 50 easy resolutions that seem to be simple to keep.
So sit back, take a look at the list, and toast to yourself for a healthy and happy year to come:
50 Easy & Achievable New Year’s Resolutions
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Move more, sit less
3. Make plans to take a mini-adventure
4. Prioritize eco-friendly choices
5. Volunteer more often
6. Adopt an attitude of gratitude
7. Send handwritten letters
8. Spend five minutes a day cleaning
9. Practice mindfulness
10. Cook something new each week
11. Read more books
12. Try a new restaurant
13. Donate clothes you never wear
14. Avoid people who complain a lot
15. Talk less, listen more
16. Practice remembering names
17. Make your bed each morning, you will have accomplished something
18. Commit to a healthier sleep pattern
19. Join a club
20. Eat more vegetables
21. Schedule an annual health examination
22. Take the stairs
23. Plan a stay-cation in your hometown
24. Do yoga
25. Make time for cuddling
26. Volunteer regularly
27. Join a club
28. Hone or learn a new skill
29. Stop procrastinating a new skill
30. Keep clutter out of the kitchen
31. Bake cookies for a veteran
32. Explore new hobbies
33. Do one thing at a time
34. Put your phone down, go outside
35. Keep current with the news
36. Ease stress with kindness
37. Give one compliment a day
38. Do random acts of kindness
39. Go someplace you have never been
40. Schedule ‘me’ time
41. Write down one thing you are grateful for every night
42. Call a friend and have a conversation, skip the text
43. Don’t by things you don’t need
44. Clean your car once a month
45. Let go of grudges
46. Be more punctual
47. Make a new friend
48. Stop gossiping
49. Learn something new everyday
50. Just do it!