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Household Tips and Tricks to Save Time and Money (Part One) - Cantera Apartments Blog

Household Tips and Tricks to Save Time and Money (Part One)

  |     |   DIY, Things to do, Tips

Throughout our blogs, we always like to bring you only good news to share with your family at our apartments in El Paso, TX.  And today, we are continuing to this mission and providing you with an educational list of things you can do in your daily life to save you time and money this spring and long into 2021 and beyond.

Below is a start to a list of simple household tips that we have collected over the years.  The initial list came from my Mom who gave it to me when I was in college.  Since then, similar lists have popped up all over the web.  And with good reason!
Watch our blog later this month for more ways to use products that you have in your house for things that you probably have not thought of in the past.

Safe Way to Pick-up Broken Glass d of using a sponge that will retain the small particles pieces of glass, use cotton balls.  They do a much better and safer job of getting the job done.

Easy Tip for Removing Dust Under the Fridge – We have talked about spring cleaning in our former blogs and should have added this tip, too.  To get the dirt out from under your refrigerator, grab an empty paper towel holder and attach it to your wand on your vacuum.  You will be amazed at how much dust and dirt you can remove with this household tip.
Removing Static Cling  – Back in the day when most women wore slips under their dresses and skirts, they would place a few safety pins to the inside of the seams.  This immediately removes and eliminates ‘static cling.”  This works for shirts, too! 
Easy Tip to Clean Sticky Measuring Cups – We love peanut butter, yet we don’t like the tacky mess it leaves in our measuring cups and spoons.  Thank goodness we were reminded about this simple trick.  Just warm up the spoons and cups with hot water, pour it out, yet do not dry them off.  You will find that any sticky substance will simple slide out with no mess left behind.  This works wonders on Honey in particular!

Simple Way to Rid the Foggy Windshield – Although this may be a rare occasion in El Paso, this is still a great tip to share with your friends and family.  To easily erase a foggy windshield, buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in your car for the next foggy morning.

Got more ideas?  We would love to see them and share them with your neighbors at our apartment community in El Paso.  Follow this link to our Facebook page and post away!

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