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Top Tips for Organizing Your Apartment in 2021 (Part One) - Cantera Apartments Blog

Top Tips for Organizing Your Apartment in 2021 (Part One)

  |     |   Apartment Living, DIY, Organize, Tips

Welcome to 2021!  If one of your New Year’s Resolutions is to get your apartment in El Paso, TX, a little more organized and welcoming, our January blogs are for you!

Starting a new year gives us every reason to toss the past behind us and focus forward on the good things in life.  With so many of us spending more time at home, this may be the best resolution to put at the top of your list!

We have just walked through our apartment at Cantera and used that tour to develop our own list of how we will start the process, today!  On behalf of our entire team, we wish you the best of success in streamlining and organizing your apartment this month!

Happy New Year!




Welcome Home!

 We all know about ‘first impressions.’  How’s yours … as friends and family walk in the door.  Shoes on the floor, coats hanging off the edge of the closet door?  Perhaps your plant has seen better days?  To get started on your new resolution, go outside, and then walk in and take a visual inventory.  If you are pleased with what you see, fabulous! You are on your way.

 If not, time to tidy up the entry.  And that does not mean just throw everything in the closet.  It will be there when you need to repeat that habit the next time.  Maybe it’s time to donate a few jackets to the local thrift shop.  Perhaps you need a small bench for the variety of shoes and boots?  Whatever you can do to make that closet purposeful and not a holding tank will be a super first step to getting your entry welcoming and clutter-free.

A Kitchen is for Cooking

Are your countertops cluttered with unread mail or perhaps missing bills? Has your kitchen table become a mailbox holding ground?  One of the fastest habits to break that will bring the purpose of your kitchen back to work is tossing your mail or various stacks of paper where they belong -before you land in the kitchen.

We have added a new and colorful basket right by the entry of our apartment.  When we come home, we stop and assess the mail at the entrance to our home.  Bills go in one pile, the useful paper goods (like our favorite magazines) go to into the basket for further review, and all other unwanted materials go directly into the trash which is conveniently located under our sink in the kitchen!

Our neighbors did it differently – yet their system works.  They bought several rectangle baskets, labeled them, and placed them on a shelf.  Bills into one bin, cards and other personal items in another, and junk mail in the final basket for review or removal when time allows.  They also finally convinced us to go to online billing and contact the publisher of unwanted magazines to remove our name from their list.

Bedrooms are for Sleeping

There’s a favorite chair in our bedroom that brings back endless memories of family time gone by.  Prior to our reorganizing spree, you could not see it as it turned into a “clothing catcher” of all sorts.  Today, it proudly sits awaiting our return to enjoy some quiet time with a good book.  The piles of clothing now have their own designated space.  They are either placed on hangers (we bought quite a few for a great value) or live in a hamper to await laundry day.

Stay tuned to our next blog later this month for more top tips on how to organize your apartment in 2021!


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