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Top Decorating Ideas for Your Apartment This Spring

Top Decorating Ideas for Your Apartment This Spring

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With the spring season around the corner, we decided to share some of the top decorating trends for apartments and townhouses in 2017.   We have scoured our favorite resources and selected ideas to bring some color and fun into your apartment in ElPaso.  
House Plants are on the Rise! 
Recent statistics from note that there has been a 200% increase in house plant purchases – and with good reason.  From plants that require lots of sunshine to those who don’t, there are lots of great options, and most don’t need too much care. 
Not sure which are best for your home?  We found this great resource for you.  Just click here to for a full list of the top house plants for apartments.
“Hygge” – The New Term for Comfy
Did you know the secret to happiness is now referred to as “Hygge” décor?  We didn’t either, so we had to check this new trend out.  According to our resource on this subject, here’s their take on this upcoming trend for 2017: Finding the words to convey sentimental feelings can be hard sometimes. Yet, the opposite is true when it comes to the Danish term "hygge." Although there is literally no single translation for the concept (pronounced hoo-gah or hue-gah) the Danes use hygge to describe the warm feelings of happiness, comfort, and coziness—not unlike our idea of holiday spirit—they strive to achieve during the cooler weather seasons.”
Nightstands Bring New Light to Bedroom Décor
It was a bit hard to believe, yet according to the top online décor sites, the interest in ‘nightstands’ has far exceeded any former stats.  On Pinterest alone, they have seen a 721% increase in clicks to anything to do with bed stands or small table décor.  If you are a DIY aficionado, here’s a good link with step by step directions on how to make your own nightstand.
Color it Copper, Poised Taupe, Pink or Byzantine Blue
Be it a blanket, throw, floor rug, pillow, purse, or a new pair of shoes, the top colors of 2017 are now in;  some we are familiar with, and others have opened our eyes to new ideas.  Gone are the blankets that we have stored in the closet for unknown reasons or the pillows we have had for 20 years.  In are the Pink shoes for Easter celebrations with a Byzantine Blue accessory to complement our fresh look of spring!

Wicker Makes a Comeback
I can remember sitting on my Grandmother’s wicker chairs and always wondering if I would end up with their ownership?  I should have nabbed them when I could as and wicker (and rattan) baskets, furniture, and home décor accents are at the top of the charts for 2017.   FYI: we found a super way to add wicker into our apartment in El Paso by using wicker baskets for storage of towels and such.   
Happy decorating!

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